- Makassar has an international airport [Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG)]. Flights from Bali are around $60 and take about 1,5 hours. From Jakarta, they take around 2 hours.
- There are two options you can take, come by buses or flights to Belopa/Palopo. By buses usually, take up to 7-8 hours and by flights are around 50 minutes.
- To come by buses, from Makassar International Airport (UPG), grab a taxi taking you to Terminal Daya (Daya Bus Station). This is a short drive and will cost you around Rp. 90,000 or $9. At the terminal, ask for the bus going to Belopa/Palopo. There are buses leaving at around 9 AM and night buses around PM. If you arrive at another time there are cars (shared cars) taking you to Belopa/Palopo. They pick up other passengers on the road and will drop them off again. All options will cost around Rp. 150, 000 or $13.
- Name of the bus company:
- By flights; book the tickets at www.traveloka.com or www.tiket.com. At the websites, book the flights from Makassar International Airport (UPG) to Palopo Lagaligo Airport (LLO). There are just two airlines; Wings Air and Garuda Indonesia.
Details of the flights:
- Wings Air:
- Garuda Indonesia: