Here some reasons why volunteers chose us to volunteer with:

  • Welcome anyone as a part of our family members
  • Give something back to an organisation that has impacted on a person’s life, either directly or indirectly
  • Make a difference in the lives of others
  • Help others less fortunate or without a voice
  • Help the environment
  • Feel valued and part of a team
  • Spend quality time away from work or a busy lifestyle
  • Gain confidence and self-esteem
  • Learn about a new culture and country
  • Satisfaction from accomplishment
  • Have fun by meeting volunteers from all over the world
  • See a new culture from the inside and not as tourist
  • Be immersed in the Indonesian language and culture
  • See the difference you can make
  • Challenging yourself, by trying something different

Will volunteering really be an experience for you?

Volunteering in a third world country is a very challenging and often a confronting experience. Cultural differences will also require you to be more empathetic and understanding to others. The Luwuness, in general, are very friendly people and aware of your feelings and emotions both good or bad,  a smile here goes a very long way.

As you will be a new member of the village, your attention to those around you will be required at most times. Many questions will be asked and they will want you to share your story, so be aware that a lot of your time and energy will be shared. However, over time you will understand that you have not only come to give of yourself but that you yourself will go home a changed person. Through the challenges, you will experience and your commitment to the program you will grow to understand how important you have been to the children’s confidence, learning and to the growth and development of our program.

If you are ready for such a challenge and would like to volunteer with us at Program By the Sea, we recommend volunteering for a period of four weeks or more to really immerse yourself in this amazing culture and its people.